Monday, January 16, 2012


Since the last post life has been a bit crazy. We started our last semester at BYU-Idaho on January 4th and have been going, going, going ever since. This semester has been a bit of a challenge for me, which I knew it would be. I just need 8 credits to graduate with weeds ecology (love this class, it is low stress, fun, and good information to know), agribusiness management (this class is good, and I am learning a lot, however it is very challenging and I struggle with business stuff), and then marketing (this is an online class that I absolutely HATE. I did not want to take it online, however they were not offering agriculture marketing this semester. This class has caused me so much stress and frustration with I-Learn not working properly and things not been exactly clear with the class.) Along with these classes and I am also taking water aerobics and processed meats. Both of these classes I enjoy and make it easier to survive my two business classes.
This weekend is a three day weekend so we got together with some really good friends, Jared and Mandy. We had so much fun and used our new GPS to head to there place. We know how to get there but we just set it up on the dash to have and use. I REALLY love our new GPS and I am excited to go somewhere we don't know and really use it. Jared, Mandy, Chris, and I then went to Heise Hot Springs in Ririe, Idaho. It was so much fun and I will fore warn you that you WILL smell like sulfur afterwards. It was especially strong when you first got in, but you get used to it. It was oh so relaxing and we thoroughly enjoyed it.
After the hot springs we went and got $5 Pizza and their amazing root beer, along with some Reed's Dairy ice cream and chocolate milk. We went back to there place and watched Dante's Peak (which we had been talking about all that night, can't remember why, but we were), had pizza and root beer and then brown cow (ice cream (we had chose cookies and cream), and chocolate milk) oh my gosh that is SO GOOD! It was nice to enjoy time with friends and the three day weekend. Now that we have had our fun it is time to get going on that pile of homework so that my week will be a little less stressful.