Saturday, September 10, 2011

Teton Dam

September 3rd after visiting Mesa Falls we decided to go see the Teton Dam (or a better way to put it the reminants of the dam). Chris had seen the dam, but I had never gone and seen it before so we went to do that since we were out and about in that area. I had drove past the road that leads to the dam many times while working at HD Dunn and Son Angus Ranch in Tetoniam, Idaho. For those that don't know about the Teton Dam, here is a link to a video done by the History Chanel. Their were actual fotage videos, but they are hard to see (that is the second link), and the History Channel explains what went wrong with the dam. I had learned about the dam in my Stream Ecology class and it is an interesting story of events of what not to do.

Here are the photos that I took while we visited of the remnants of the dam. The first is looking down the Teton River.

The second is of the spill gate that malfunctioned when the dam collapsed
Here is what is left of the dam. The right side collapsed, but I learned online that the left side of the dam was taken down to examin after the collapse to help determine what went wrong.

It was certainly something to go and see where the dam was after hearing about the string of events that happened in that time. Many students from at the time Ricks College now BYU-Idaho were sent to help in the clean up efforts. Ricks was not destroyed because of the location on a hill. Now we just need to go to the Teton Dam Flood Museum in Rexburg to learn even more.

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