Saturday, December 3, 2011

Introducing Spook!

Well since our last update on the fish we had a few deaths. The first was Shark Bait the otocinclus and then out of the blue Apollo our guppy that we have had for a year. When Apollo died Titian our platy was pretty bummed. He sat in the corner all day, didn't eat, and was very depressed. Him and Apollo were pretty good friends. I hear people say all the time that fish are pretty dumb and don't have any personalities, but I would have to say that you are very wrong about that statement. In the time that we have had fish, which is almost 2 years now (first starting with goldfish and then moving to tropical fish), they are very smart and each one has their own little personalities and quirks about them. For example: Apollo was always the fish that would swim to the side of the tank by the door when we came home. Mr. Clean likes to chase the mollies, and they bob up and down when I wiggle my finger thinking they are getting something to eat. So on Halloween we went down to Idaho Falls to get another friend for Titian because he was so depressed. We have have had him for a month now and he is such a great fish. We named him Spook because of Halloween and here he is with Titian! Here is a good picture of Plucker our balloon bellied molly

And Mr. Clean our peppered cory catfish (he is my favorite)

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